Bahrain Islamic Bank launches first Islamic youth account 'Vevo'

| Tuesday, December 8, 2009

With its continuous interest in offering all the appropriate banking services and products to its customers of various age groups, Bahrain Islamic Bank (BisB), the first Islamic bank in Bahrain, has announced the launch of the new Vevo savings account for youngsters in the 15-25 years age group. The account was launched under the slogan "Your Account. Your future. Vevo. It's all yours."

Speaking about the benefits and services offered by this account, Mr. Abdul Rahman Mohamed Turki, BisB Retail Services General Manager, said:
"We are pleased to offer the new Vevo youth account. It is an account that highlights our support to young members of the community who are the focus of attention from both the local authorities and social organizations in the Kingdom."

BisB General Manager said, "We seek through the launch of this account to educate and enhance the awareness of our young people about how to take the responsibility of the financial aspects of their lives. It is understood that most young people need guidance and support when it comes to their knowledge of financial issues, which the BIsB Vevo account would help them with. In addition, this account will provide them with many services and offers that we hope will meet with their expectations."

Commenting about the choice of the name "Vevo" for this account, Mr. Turki said, "Vevo comes from the word "vivo" which is Latin for "within the living" and since youngsters are the pulse of life, Vevo was created to fit into the lives of young people."

Turki spoke about the details and benefits of this account by saying that Vevo account gives youngsters more offers from leading stores and commercial companies that focus their products and services on the youth group such as Zain, Bahrain International Circuit (BIC), Adhari Park, Wahoo! Water Park and Maya Chocolaterie. In addition, the account offers customers up to 50% off at more than 100 stores on many items such as fashion, electronic appliances, automotive, restaurants, games outlets and many more.

Turki further said opening a Vevo account is easy for the Bank's young customers. All they have to do is to visit any BisB branch and show that they are in the 15 to 25 years age group by providing two official identification documents.

Concluding, Mr. Abdul Rahman Turki urged young people to enjoy the benefits of this new account and stressed that the Bank welcomes all their inquiries upon calling the Call Centre.


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